Shenhan Qian
PhD student
Technical University of Munich
I am a PhD student in the Computer Vision Group of Prof. Daniel Cremers at the Technical University of Munich. Before that, I worked with Prof. Matthias Nießner in the Visual Computing Group for one year. I received my Master’s Degree in Computer Science at ShanghaiTech University in 2022, advised by Prof. Shenghua Gao. Before that, I obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in Automation at Hunan University in 2019.
My research interest lies in 3D reconstruction and animation, differentiable rendering, and photometric optimization.
GaussianAvatars: Photorealistic Head Avatars with Rigged 3D Gaussians
NeRSemble: Multi-view Radiance Field Reconstruction of Human Heads
Cloth2Body: Generating 3D Human Body Mesh from 2D Clothing
UNIF: United Neural Implicit Functions for Clothed Human Reconstruction and Animation
Dual-Space NeRF: Learning Animatable Avatars and Scene Lighting in Separate Spaces
Feature Re-Representation and Reliable Pseudo Label Retraining for Cross-Domain Semantic Segmentation
Speech Drives Templates: Co-Speech Gesture Synthesis with Learned Templates
KGDet: Keypoint-Guided Fashion Detection
Learning to Recommend Frame for Interactive Video Object Segmentation in the Wild
Versatile Head Alignment with Adaptive Appearance Priors
DeepFashion2 Challenge (CVPR 2020 Workshop)
Lane Detection with An Instance Segmentation Approach
College Student Electronics Design Contest of Hunan Province
National College Student Electronics Design Contest
Conference Reviewer
Journal Reviewer
Outstanding Graduate of Shanghai
Merit Student of ShanghaiTech University
China National Scholarship
First-Class Scholarship of Hunan University