Shenhan Qian

PhD student
Technical University of Munich


I am a PhD student in the Computer Vision Group of Prof. Daniel Cremers at the Technical University of Munich. Before that, I worked with Prof. Matthias Nießner in the Visual Computing Group for one year. I received my Master’s Degree in Computer Science at ShanghaiTech University in 2022, advised by Prof. Shenghua Gao. Before that, I obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in Automation at Hunan University in 2019.

My research interest lies in 3D reconstruction and animation, differentiable rendering, and photometric optimization.



  • Versatile Head Alignment with Adaptive Appearance Priors
    Sep, 2024
    Open Source Project
    A complete head tracking pipeline from videos to NeRF/3DGS-ready datasets.

  • DeepFashion2 Challenge (CVPR 2020 Workshop)
    Apr, 2020
    3rd Place in the Landmark Estimation Track
    record / code
    Combined a multi-stage detector (HTC) and a landmark estimator (HRNet) to detect fashion landmarks.

  • Lane Detection with An Instance Segmentation Approach
    May, 2019
    Bachelor's Thesis
    A PyTorch implementation of LaneNet with instance segmentation and curve fitting.

  • College Student Electronics Design Contest of Hunan Province
    Aug, 2018
    1st Prize
    Built a twin-rotor UAV that can take off, land, and hover steadily with 3d-printed parts, microcontrollers, and sensors. Achieved the highest precision of hovering height among all teams.

  • National College Student Electronics Design Contest
    Aug, 2017
    2nd Prize in Hunan Province
    Built a tilting board system to control the movement of a ball on the board with microcontrollers, servos, and a camera. Accomplished smooth and flexible trajectory control.


  • Conference Reviewer
    SIGGRAPH Asia 2024, ECCV 2024, CVPR 2023-2024, ICCV 2023, WACV 2023

  • Journal Reviewer


  • Outstanding Graduate of Shanghai
    Jun, 2022

  • Merit Student of ShanghaiTech University
    Jan, 2022

  • China National Scholarship
    Oct, 2021

  • First-Class Scholarship of Hunan University
    Sep, 2015 - Jun, 2018